We make auto enrolment for new employers simple, cost effective and quick.

As a new employer, your focus is on growing your business and leading it to success. But knowing your way around auto enrolment regulations and continually managing your duties is complicated and time consuming.

Designed to make auto enrolment for new employers as easy to manage as possible, Creative Auto Enrolment Pension lets you can get back to what’s important. At just £27.00 per month, it’s a small price to pay to fulfil all your auto enrolment duties with ease.

Your guide to the information on this page

Applies to Creative Auto Enrolment Pension
Applies to Creative Workplace Pension

Plans powered by


Auto enrolment queries answered per month

Trusted by over

accountants and professional advisers


unique payrolls compliance guaranteed each month


employees assessed each month

Why choose Creative Auto Enrolment Pension?


  • Sign up in minutes
  • Low cost – just £27.00 per
    month to handle all your employer duties
  • Guaranteed acceptance for all employers
  • No complex decisions or pension expertise required
  • Turns hours of work into a few minutes
  • Doesn’t interfere with your payroll run


  • 100% secure, cloud-based
  • The only auto enrolment
    pension that guarantees
    your compliance
  • Powered by Creative
    Pension Trust, leading
    authorised Master Trust
  • Part of the Cushon Group



  • Payroll agnostic – no need to change software or provider
  • Dedicated UK-based helpdesk of auto enrolment experts
  • Customer Satisfaction rated ‘Excellent’
  • Pension governed by independent Board of Trustees
  • Use our easy-to-follow process and you can’t make a mistake

Plan features and benefits:

How it works for employees

Commonly Asked Questions

How much does Creative Auto Enrolment Pension cost?

It costs just £27.00 per month for the full employer solution, which ensures all your auto enrolment duties are completed and your employees will be auto enrolled into the Creative Auto Enrolment Pension plan by Creative Pension Trust. See our pricing page for more information.

What are the member charges for Creative Auto Enrolment Pension?

Members pay a low annual management charge (‘Investment Charge’) of 0.4% for our Default Investment Strategy and a flat monthly membership charge of £2.00 for active members and £1.50 for deferred members. See our pricing page for more information.

What pension scheme provider do you use?

Qualifying employees will be auto enrolled into the Creative Auto Enrolment Pension plan, which is provided by Creative Pension Trust, a leading UK master trust pension scheme, authorised by the Pensions Regulator. Creative Pension Trust is a MAF accredited, multi-employer scheme with over 12,000 participating employers nationwide. The pension is wholly independent and overseen by an independent Board of Trustees.

Does Creative Auto Enrolment Pension work with any type of payroll software?

Yes. We map our software to work with any standard payroll report behind the scenes and you can even enter data manually if you prefer. If you outsource your payroll, just tell us when you sign up and we will work with your payroll bureau, accountant or IFA on your behalf.

Do you really guarantee auto enrolment compliance?

Yes. So long as you provide us with correct payroll data and follow our simple process online, we’ll handle the rest. We go much further than any other auto enrolment pension provider to ensure mistakes don’t happen. We even complete your declaration of compliance to the Pensions Regulator!

What are the benefits of Creative Auto Enrolment Pension for new employers?

We ensure complying with auto enrolment doesn’t get in the way of your other tasks as a new employer by handling everything for you.

Our solution automates much of the auto enrolment process, reducing the time it takes from hours to minutes – and all from uploading a single payroll file.

Unlike any other provider, we offer our Auto Enrolment Compliance Guarantee – when you follow our process, you can’t get anything wrong.

What investments are available to members in the Creative Auto Enrolment Pension plan?

Creative Auto Enrolment Pension plan, provided by Creative Pension Trust, offers access to a range of investment funds which are managed by a carefully-selected group if specialist investment fund managers. Members are automatically invested in our Default Investment Strategy, which means they do not have to make their own investment decisions. For members with other requirements, we offer a range of self-select investments to choose from.

How established and secure is the pension and members’ investments?

Very. Creative Pension Trust is authorised and regulated by the Pensions Regulator and a leading UK multi-employer master trust scheme. The scheme is wholly independent of Creative, the scheme sponsor, protected by a legal trust arrangement, and part of the Cushon Group – a leading UK workplace savings and pension provider.

Is Creative Auto Enrolment Pension suitable for larger employers or employers with existing pensions?

Creative Auto Enrolment Pension by Creative Pension Trust is designed with new employers in mind. If you have an existing workplace pension and are looking for a better alternative, our Creative Workplace Pension Plan is designed for SMEs and Large Employers. Compare our plans here.

In their words…

We love working with you. It's the most efficient and simplest auto enrolment pension scheme I’ve come across […] Thank you all for your high level of customer service.

Debby NorrisDirector | Acorn Financial Solutions

Creative are honestly one of the best in their field.

Pat MageePMM Bookkeeping & Accountancy Services

I can say with experience of many other providers your services are head and shoulders above!

Laura BowmanAuto Enrolment Consultant |Simply Auto Enrolment

Lucy, Thank you for saving the day 🙂

Ken LinAssistant Accountant | Xinlung Group

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to the lovely lady that helped me out today. She was extremely helpful and answered all my questions, told me exactly what I need to do and how to fix everything.

Thank you so much again - it definitely made my work a lot easier today!

Katrina WaskowskaPayroll | Baldwins Payestaff

Oh Flavia, You are a dream support worker. Thank you so much!

Debby NorrisAccountant | The Werks Group

I am most grateful for the friendly and enthusiastic way you assisted.

Martin KessellAssstant Treasurer | Grace Community Church College

Thank you again for all of your help, it is greatly appreciated.

Jade WardPayroll Dept |MAS Accountancy