It is important to remember that, on average, someone who is aged 55 today will likely live into their mid-to-late 80’s. This means your pension will likely need to last you a long time. An annuity can provide an income until you die, but it may not be flexible enough for some people.
What happens to your pension savings?
If you use all of your pension savings to purchase an annuity, we will normally close your account. Because you are giving your savings to an annuity provider in return for a guaranteed income, you will no longer have access to your savings as a lump sum.
If you only use some of your pension savings to purchase an annuity, the remainder stays invested in your Creative Pension Trust account until you make any further decisions and you retain full flexibility over what you do with it.
Will you need to review your arrangements?
No, buying an annuity is an irreversible decision and you will agree to the basis of the annuity before it begins. Once it starts, it cannot be encashed. Read the sections below for more information about features you will need to choose before your annuity starts and other considerations you should be aware of before you make any decisions.
Are there other flexibilities?
There are many different choices, including fixed-term and lifetime annuities, fixed payment or inflation-linked, and options to continue paying an income to your dependants when you die.
You should take time to explore these options and consider which would be appropriate to your needs. Generally, the more features you choose, the lower the starting income will be.
As this is an irreversible decision, we recommend you take advantage of the free and impartial guidance services like MoneyHelper or you seek professional financial advice.
Are there any limits or other considerations?
No, there are no specific limits, but you should ensure that an annuity provider can offer you the features you require and you should always shop around for the best deal. If you have a small pension pot, it may not be enough to buy a guaranteed income. However, if you have a number of small pensions built up, you may be able to consolidate them into one larger pot, giving you the option to use them together to buy a guaranteed income.
Yes, there are additional considerations that may impact your decision making and future plans. These are: