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With a greater number of employers staging for auto enrolment than ever before this summer, those involved in the administration process are going to be severely tested.

It’s clear that not all pension providers are ready for the challenge in terms of robust, sustainable administration systems. Inadequate processing systems not only cause frustration and anger for pension scheme members, but also potentially you as well if you are connected to the payroll and/or submission of pension contribution processes.

That’s why we feel the Master Trust Assurance Framework (MAF) is so important and that no employer should contemplate using a pension provider who isn’t MAF accredited.

The framework was developed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) in partnership with The Pensions Regulator (TPR), and was designed to assess whether pension schemes meet all appropriate standards of governance and administration.

The Creative Pension Trust, our end to end solution, which integrates auto enrolment processing with the pension scheme, is MAF accredited and was built from scratch solely for this purpose. This ensures there are no legacy or potential IT conflicts that could interfere with the smooth administration of your auto enrolment needs.

As well as holding the very important MAF accreditation, our solution is also one of very few on TPR’s published list of arrangements open to all employers, meaning that no matter your size or employee profile the Creative Pension Trust can be the ideal solution for you and your staff when it comes to meeting your auto enrolment obligations.

Request a call-back now to find out how we can help you stay compliant and how you can benefit from the same great service currently being experienced by the greater than 13,000 employers currently participating within the Creative Pension Trust.


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